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Jonas Bendiksen – The Last Testament
Jonas Bendiksen – The Last Testament
Jonas Bendiksen – The Last Testament
Jonas Bendiksen – The Last Testament
Jonas Bendiksen – The Last Testament
Jonas Bendiksen – The Last Testament
Jonas Bendiksen – The Last Testament
Jonas Bendiksen – The Last Testament
Jonas Bendiksen – The Last Testament
Jonas Bendiksen – The Last Testament
Jonas Bendiksen – The Last Testament
Jonas Bendiksen – The Last Testament
Jonas Bendiksen – The Last Testament
Jonas Bendiksen – The Last Testament
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Jonas Bendiksen – The Last Testament

  • Imagined as a sequel to the Old and New Testaments of the Bible by Magnum photographer Jonas Bendiksen, »The Last Testament« features visual accounts and stories of seven men around the world who claim to be the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
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Imagined as a sequel to the Old and New Testaments of the Bible by Magnum photographer Jonas Bendiksen, »The Last Testament« features visual accounts and stories of seven men around the world who claim to be the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Building on biblical form and structure, chapters dedicated to each Jesus include excerpts of their scriptural testaments, laying out their theology and demands on mankind in their own words.

Through Bendiksen's personal testimonies and intimate portraits, »The Last Testament« investigates the boundaries of religious faith, and a world in need of salvation, yearning for a new prophet. Whether escaping an angry mob in the streets with the Jesus of Kitwe, joining a Messianic birthday pilgrimage in Siberia, or witnessing the End of Days with Moses in South Africa, Bendiksen immerses himself among the disciples of each Jesus. He takes at face value that each is the one true Messiah returned to Earth, to forge an account that's both a work of apocalyptic journalism and of a compelling artistic imagination.

Kod producenta


Jonas Bendiksen
oprawa twarda
Liczba stron
165 x 240
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