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Awesome Odesa : Interesting things you need to know

Awesome Odesa : Interesting things you need to know

  • Odesa the pearl of the Black Sea is a vibrant, multicultural port city.
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Its quirky architecture and laidback beach culture have long made it a popular spot for tourists, and an inspiration for writers. Its vibrant streets, good music, eclectic food, and live theatre entice visitors to Unwind. Odesa is open to the world. Since its founding, the city has had mayors of Spanish, Greek, and French origin, and its planners and architects have hailed from Italy, France, Germany, and The Netherlands. Their cultural influences, along with the native Tatar, Ukrainian, Russian, and Jewish populations resulted in an atmosphere of diversity and Inclusivity. With this book, we are pleased to share with you our love to Odesa! The book is neither a guide nor a manual. Rather, its an insight into the city we adore mellow, eclectic, and seductive. On its pages youll find references to major historical events, famous and talented residents, art, culture, sports, literature, traditions, and even beloved street food. Inside Awesome Odesa you will find: chapters on history, culture, food, places, nature, sports, technology; gorgeous photos and images throughout the book; beautiful layout; insightful and short texts explaining interesting things you need to know about Odesa, including historical and cultural context; fun facts. About The Awesome Series: The Awesome Series travel books are best selling in Ukraine since 2012. Loved by locals and visitors alike, they are a genuine take on the Ukrainian art, cities, culture, food and traditions.
Kod producenta


Osnovy Publishing LLC
oprawa miękka
Osnovy Publishing LLC
Liczba stron
151 x 200 x 15
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