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Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
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Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design

  • Insiders and Company presents the new artisans of interior design; it tells a story of bespoke interior solutions and the skilled people that create them.
179,00 złNajniższa cena z 30 dni przed obniżką(Zniżka 61%)
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Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
Insiders & Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design
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When it comes to the world of crafts, it is not unexpected to hear conversations reminiscing about the good old days. It is a familiar fallacy, but these days people are on the hunt for quality. Straying from a path of finding someone to perform a quick fix, people are searching for objects that will stand the test of time. From the hand-woven rugs of La Manufacture Cogolin in France to the elegant custom-built cabinets of Copenhagen’s Københavns Møbelsnedkeri or to the tale of Cristina Celestino’s ceramic and porcelain tiles, whether reviving traditional skills or experimenting with modern techniques, these specialists all share a passion for crafting of the highest tier. Who specializes in marble inlays, and who is the go-to for a bespoke stool? And just where can these stunning designs be found? Insiders and Company reveals how high-end furnishings are made, shows you where to acquire them, and proves that the world of artisanship is more exciting today than ever. Meet the craftspeople and designers that pair traditional processes and modern materials to redefine the modern standard with a nod to the past. Embrace the good old days: the present day.


Gestalten Verlag
250 x 307 x 32 mm
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