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The Art and Making of Aladdin

The Art and Making of Aladdin

  • The Art and Making of Aladdin offers the ultimate behind-the-scenes look into the 2019 live-action adaptation of the Disney classic, Aladdin. The streets of Agrabah come to vibrant life in Disney's 'Aladdin'...
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The Art and Making of Aladdin offers the ultimate behind-the-scenes look into the 2019 live-action adaptation of the Disney classic, Aladdin. The streets of Agrabah come to vibrant life in Disney's 'Aladdin', a live action adaptation of the studio's animated classic, which is the exciting tale of the charming street rat Aladdin, the courageous and self-determined Princess Jasmine, and the Genie who may be the key to their future. Filled with striking imagery and fascinating behind-the-scenes details, The Art and Making of Aladdin examines the creation of Disney's new live-action film Aladdin, a stunning adaptation of the classic animated film.

This deluxe book features an in-depth look at lavish concept art, unit photography and other gorgeous visual details. Revealing interviews with filmmakers, cast, and crew members provide a unique insight into the Aladdin filmmaking experience through a beautifully designed exploration of the development of the film. The Art and Making of Aladdin is the ultimate visual treat for all fans of this Disney classic.



Emily Zemler
Titan Books Ltd
262 x 291 x 22 (mm)
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