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The Ministry of Fear

The Ministry of Fear

  • It is 1941 and bombs have turned London into the front line of a world war. In the shadows of the Blitz, Hitler's agents are running a blackmail operation to obtain documents that could bring the nation to instant defeat.
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It is 1941 and bombs have turned London into the front line of a world war. In the shadows of the Blitz, Hitler's agents are running a blackmail operation to obtain documents that could bring the nation to instant defeat. Arthur Rowe, a man once convicted of a notorious mercy killing, stumbles onto a German spy operation in Bloomsbury and must be silenced. But even with his memory taken from him, he is still a very dangerous witness. A taut thriller and a haunting exploration of pity, love, and guilt, The Ministry of Fear by Graham Greene is universally acknowledged as one of the greatest of all spy novels. With an introduction by the biographer and editor Professor Richard Greene. Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautifully bound gift editions of much loved classic titles.
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Pan Macmillan
159 x 102 x 17


Graham Greene
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