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Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
Live from F*cking Everywhere
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Live from F*cking Everywhere

  • Adam Katz Sinding (formerly known as Le 21eme) travels around the globe to document the fashion zeitgeist. An Instagram hit, @aks's lens captures fashion weeks, runway idols, the next big trends, tastemakers, and-in particular-street style.
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Reporting live from "everywhere," photographer Adam Katz Sinding (formerly known as Le 21eme) travels around the globe to document the fashion zeitgeist. An Instagram hit, @aks's lens captures fashion weeks, runway idols, the next big trends, tastemakers, and-in particular-street style. His first teNeues book This is Not a F*cking Street Style Book featured a curated collection of some of his best images, taken both backstage at the shows and of the style-setters on the streets.

In this new publication, Sinding widens his scope and explores culture and landmarks with the same sophisticated eye he uses to photograph fashion. In the last year, he has traveled through over 35 countries across the globe, snapping a breathtaking number of beautiful photos that capture the essence of a place as only he would recognize it. Along with his pictures, the book includes contributions from Errolson Hugh and offers a unique insight into the peculiar mind of Adam Katz Sinding himself, his obsessive exercising habits, and the cultural phenomenon he has become over the years.

Kod producenta


Adam Katz Sinding
oprawa twarda
Liczba stron
236 x 307 x 25 (mm)
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