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Deliciously Ella Quick & Easy

Deliciously Ella Quick & Easy

  • 100 all-new quick and easy plant-based recipes by bestselling author Ella Mills, founder of Deliciously Ella.
129,00 zł
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100 all-new quick and easy plant-based recipes by bestselling author Ella Mills, founder of Deliciously Ella. Ella's new collection shows us that vegan cooking doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming. It's easy to embrace a plant-based lifestyle with her fuss-free, simple recipes that cater for our busy lives.

Divided into 7 sections, the new book offers - for the first time - recipes with an approximate cooking time, showing you how to make simple meals that will satisfy your taste buds and inspire you every day. Section 1 features delicious breakfasts - from quick pancakes to fruity smoothies and easy toast-toppers. Section 2, Lunches, Dips & Dressings, offers an array of healthy plant-based options.

The next two Sections comprise 10-Minute- and 20-Minute Meals, where Ella will prove that plant-based eating doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. Choose from quick pasta dishes, simple noodles, hearty veg-laden bowls and Asian-inspired plates. Section 5 is Big Batch Cooking, to help you get ahead and plan your week.

The Sweet section includes lots of portable bars, flapjacks and slices to satisfy your sweet tooth. The last section, Weekend, features recipes that require a bit time to make, but will impress and delight your friends and family!The ethos of Deliciously Ella is to share abundant recipes that put vegetables at the heart of our plates, that taste good and are easy to make. Alongside this, Ella is keen to embrace all aspects of wellbeing, prioritising self-care.

In the book she will share the important insights learned from her chart-topping podcast, bringing a wider holistic dimension and personal angle to this gorgeous, inspiring, healthy cookbook. 'She has become the biggest thing in healthy eating' - The Times

Kod producenta


Ella Mills Woodward
oprawa twarda
Hodder & Stoughton
Liczba stron
197 x 251 x 28
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