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Luis Vidal + Architects: From Process to Results

Luis Vidal + Architects: From Process to Results

  • Though only founded in 2004, the practice of Luis Vidal (LVA) is now one of the five largest in Spain, and has quickly established an international reputation for its large-scale public buildings.
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Though only founded in 2004, the practice of Luis Vidal (LVA) is now one of the five largest in Spain, and has quickly established an international reputation for its large-scale public buildings. LVA, which took off after Vidal's key role in Madrid Airport's Terminal 4, is particularly renowned for Zaragoza Airport, and Heathrow Terminal 2. With offices in Madrid, Houston, and Santiago, Chile, the practice is also involved in several hospital projects, as well as offices and museums, masterplanning, interior designs, and product designs.

This book looks at all the major projects that have been built or designed by LVA to date, but its primary focus is on the working process behind the practice. It looks at the role of collaboration with other architects and designers; the crucial role of the clients; and the importance of cross-disciplinary approaches and lateral thinking. In order to reinforce the process-led approach to their work, the book's innovative design includes numerous links and cross-references between projects and design concepts.

This new edition contains updated material throughout and a new 16-page section devoted to new projects built since the publication of the first edition.

Kod producenta


Clare Melhuish
oprawa twarda
Laurence King Publishing
258 x 259 x 28
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