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A Love Story for Bewildered Girls

A Love Story for Bewildered Girls

  • A Love Story for Bewildered Girls : 'Utterly gorgeous' Pandora Sykes
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An utterly gorgeous novel. It will forever hold my heart in its pages' Pandora Sykes, co-host of The High-Low podcastGrace loves a woman. Annie loves a man.

Violet isn't quite sure. But you'll love them all... Grace has what one might call a 'full and interesting life' which is code for not married and has no kids.

Her life is the envy of her straight friends, but all this time she has been waiting in secret for love to hit her so hard that she runs out of breath, like the way a wave in a rough sea bowls you over, slams you into the sand, and nearly drowns you. When Grace meets a beautiful woman at a party, she falls suddenly and desperately in love. At the same party, lawyer Annie meets the man of her dreams - the only man she's ever met whose table manners are up to her mother's standards.

And across the city, Violet, who is afraid of almost everything, is making another discovery of her own: that for the first time in her life she's falling in love with a woman. A Love Story for Bewildered Girls is a moving and exquisitely funny novel about love, sex and heartbreak. 'Exquisitely tender, beautifully written, funny and sad' Daisy Buchanan, author of How to Be a Grown-up 'Funny, honest, brilliant' Nina Stibbe, bestselling author of Love, Nina'I absolutely loved this book by Emma Morgan which follows 3 women's very different love lives...

I inhaled it' Emma Gannon, Sunday Times best-selling author and host of the podcast Ctrl-Alt-Delete'

Funny, touching, uplifting, thoroughly modern' Lauren Bravo, author of What Would the Spice Girls Do?

'I was transfixed by this funny and moving story of three women navigating their way through the complexities of love, life and the search for personal fulfilment' Sarah Haywood, author of The Cactus, a Richard & Judy Book Club Pick

'A charming modern romance' Glamour

'Beautifully written, Morgan's novel is a seriously impressive debut' Stylist

'Emma Morgan is an author to look out for' Julie Cohen, author of 'Louis & Louise 'LONGLISTED FOR THE POLARI PRIZE 2020

Kod producenta


Emma Morgan
oprawa miękka
Penguin Books Ltd
129 x 196 x 22 (mm)
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