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Kay's Anatomy : A Complete (and Completely Disgusting) Guide to the Human Body

Kay's Anatomy : A Complete (and Completely Disgusting) Guide to the Human Body

  • The hilarious first children's book from the UK's bestselling non-fiction author. Do you ever think about your body and how it all works? Like really properly think about it? The human body is extraordinary and fascinating and, well . .
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'Totally brilliant!' - Jacqueline Wilson

'If only this funny and informative book had been around when I was too embarrassed to teach my kids about bodily functions' - David Baddiel'

The sort of book I would have loved as a child' - Malorie Blackman

'Hilarious and fascinating!' - Konnie Huq

The hilarious first children's book from the UK's bestselling non-fiction author. Do you ever think about your body and how it all works? Like really properly think about it? The human body is extraordinary and fascinating and, well . .

. pretty weird. Yours is weird, mine is weird, your maths teacher's is even weirder.

This book is going to tell you what's actually going on in there, and answer the really important questions, like:Are bogeys safe to eat? Look, if your nose is going to all that effort of creating a snack, the least we can do is check out its nutritional value. (Yes, they're safe. Chew away!) And .

. . How much of your life will you spend on the toilet? About a year - so bring a good book.

(I recommend this one.)So sit back, relax, put on some rubber gloves, and let a doctor take you on a poo (and puke) filled tour of your insides. Welcome to Kay's Anatomy*. *a fancy word for your body.

See, you're learning already.

Kod producenta


Adam Kay
Henry Paker
oprawa twarda
Penguin Random House Children's UK
240 x 162 (mm)
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