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Succulents and All things Under Glass : Ideas and Inspiration for Indoor Gardens

Succulents and All things Under Glass : Ideas and Inspiration for Indoor Gardens

  • Succulents and All Things Under Glass removes the mystery of taking care of plants and gives everyone a chance to enjoy the benefits and beauty of a garden indoors.
49,00 zł
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Transform your home with more than 25 innovative and inspiring ideas using succulents and terrariums to create beautiful and stylish indoor gardens. Small-space gardening expert Isabelle Palmer shows you how to use succulents and other plants to create trendy terrariums and gorgeous indoor garden designs, and how to grow under glass, with helpful advice and techniques, as well as handy tips for taking care of your new house plants. Display pretty cacti inside copper lanterns, grow amazing aquatic plants in a deep vase, create a stunning fireside moss and fern display, and plant some tiny jewel-like succulents inside mason jars for an easy and on-trend kitchen window scene. Succulents and All Things Under Glass removes the mystery of taking care of plants and gives everyone a chance to enjoy the benefits and beauty of a garden indoors.
oprawa twarda
177 x 217 x 21


Isabelle Palmer
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