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Adventures In The Screen Trade : A Personal View of Hollywood
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Adventures In The Screen Trade : A Personal View of Hollywood

  • 'I don't know if it's ever been equalled: both a guide to how to write and a guide to how to navigate the experience of being a professional in the industry.
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Adventures In The Screen Trade : A Personal View of Hollywood
Adventures In The Screen Trade : A Personal View of Hollywood
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'I don't know if it's ever been equalled: both a guide to how to write and a guide to how to navigate the experience of being a professional in the industry. Even though he existed at the most exalted level, it never felt like that. It felt democratic and egalitarian in the way he wrote.

Before his book, people never really gave thought to screenwriters, their craft, or their place in the ecosystem of movie-making. Bill not only shone a light on that and inspired a whole new generation of writers, he also made movie-making and showbusiness understandable to a vast general audience' Peter Morgan, writer of The Crown and Frost/NixonAs befits more than twenty years in Hollywood, Oscar-winning screenwriter William Goldman's sparkling memoir is as entertaining as many of the films he has helped to create. From the writer of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, All the President's Men and Marathon Man, Adventures in the Screen Trade is an intimate view of movie-making, of acting greats such as Redford, Olivier, Newman and Hoffman, and of the trials and rewards of working inside the most exciting business in the world.



William Goldman
oprawa miękka
Little, Brown Book Group
Liczba stron
198 x 141 x 27 mm
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