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A Table : Recipes for Cooking and Eating the French Way

A Table : Recipes for Cooking and Eating the French Way

  • A Table: Recipes for Cooking and Eating the French Way is an alluring, delicious invitation to the French table from Paris-based American food writer and stylist, Rebekah Peppler.
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A Table: Recipes for Cooking and Eating the French Way is an alluring, delicious invitation to the French table from Paris-based American food writer and stylist, Rebekah Peppler.

It is both a repertoire-building cookbook and a stylish guide that will make readers feel as though they are traveling through France with a close friend. New York Times contributing writer Rebekah Peppler shares 125 elegant, "new French" recipes that reflect a modern, multicultural French table. With approachable recipes, a conversational tone, and aspirational photography, A Table contains secrets for cooking simple, sophisticated meals and recreating the magic and charm of French life anywhere in the world.

125 ACCESSIBLE RECIPES: Included are classics such as Ratatouille and Cre me Bru le e regional dishes, such as Basque Chicken, Nicoise (for a Crowd), and Alsatian Cheesecake; as well as recipes born of the melding of the cultures and flavors that help define contemporary French eating, from Bigger Ba nh Mi and Lamb Tagine to Green Shakshuka. USEFUL ADVICE: Guidance on shopping, stocking the pantry, and preparing the table, as well as stories on French food culture, make this not just a recipe-driven cookbook but also a chic guide to modern French living. FOREVER CHIC: French food and the French lifestyle will never go out of style.

Kod producenta


Rebekah Peppler
oprawa twarda
Chronicle Books
Liczba stron
190 x 262 x 26
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