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Cinnamon, Spice & Warm Apple Pie : Over 65 Comforting Baked Fruit Desserts

Cinnamon, Spice & Warm Apple Pie : Over 65 Comforting Baked Fruit Desserts

  • Delicious recipes for home-baked, rustic fruit desserts served warm from the oven from pies and strudels, to crumbles and cobblers.
49,00 zł
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Delicious recipes for home-baked, rustic fruit desserts served warm from the oven from pies and strudels, to crumbles and cobblers. Whether bubbling with delicious juice, fragrant with warm spices or encased in crisp buttery pastry, warm fruit desserts are comfort food at it's very best. In Crumbles & Streusels you'll find traditional recipes such as Apple & Blackberry Crumble as well as plenty of new ideas like Cranberry & Orange Streusel. A chapter of Cobblers & More includes recipes guaranteed to become family favourites - try Blueberry & Lemon Polenta Cobbler or an indulgent Molasses Banana Cobbler. Or for a fun twist on a cobbler, try a Plum & Hazelnut Pandowdy. Bettys & Crisps are easy to make yet delicious to eat - try an Apple Brown Betty with Dried Cranberries & Pecans, Caramel Apple Crisp, or Nectarine & Ginger Crisp. Rich battered desserts such as Clafoutis, Slumps & Puddings are simplicity itself to prepare yet always impressive. Try a classic Cherry Clafoutis or Baked Brioche Pudding with Blackberries. If pastry is your thing, you'll find the perfect recipe in Pies, Tarts & Strudels. Try a slice of spiced Dutch Apple Pie, Free-form Caramelized Peach Tart or individual Apple & Blueberry Tarts or Praline Apple Strudel, all perfect for fuss-free entertaining. Deliciously moist Dessert Cakes to be eaten with a fork and served with plenty of chilled cream include Strawberry Buttermilk Cake, Pear & Ginger Crumble Cake and Upside-down Peach Cake.


Ryland Peters & Small
oprawa miękka
Page Street Publishing Co.
Liczba stron
178 x 217 x 23
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