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The New Native Kitchen : Celebrating Modern Recipes of the American Indian

The New Native Kitchen : Celebrating Modern Recipes of the American Indian

  • Modern Indigenous cuisine from the renowned Native foods educator and chef of Mitsitam Cafe at the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian
149,00 zł
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*** PREMIERA 28 PAŹDZIERNIKA 2021 *** Modern Indigenous cuisine from the renowned Native foods educator and chef of Mitsitam Cafe at the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American IndianFrom Freddie Bitsoie, the executive chef at Mitsitam Native Foods Cafe at the Smithsonian's Natural Museum of the American Indian, and James Beard Award-winning author James O. Fraioli, The New Native Kitchen is a celebration of Indigenous cuisine. Offering delicious dishes like Cherrystone Clam Soup from the Northeastern Wampanoag and Spice-Rubbed Pork Tenderloin from the Pueblo peoples, Bitsoie showcases the variety of flavor and culinary history from 566 federally recognized tribes and provides modern interpretations of 100 recipes that have long fed this country. Recipes like Chocolate Bison Chili, Prickly Pear Sweet Pork Chops, and Sumac Seared Trout with Onion and Bacon Sauce combine the old with the new, holding fast to traditions while also experimenting with modern methods. In this essential cookbook, Bitsoie shares his expertise and culinary insights into Native American cooking and suggests new approaches for every home cook. With recipes as varied as the tribes that inspired them, The New Native Kitchen celebrates the Indigenous heritage of American cuisine.
Dane książki


Freddie Bitsoie
James Fraioli
oprawa twarda
254 x 203
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