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World Food: Paris : Heritage Recipes for Classic Home Cooking A Parisian Cookbook
World Food: Paris : Heritage Recipes for Classic Home Cooking A Parisian Cookbook
World Food: Paris : Heritage Recipes for Classic Home Cooking A Parisian Cookbook
World Food: Paris : Heritage Recipes for Classic Home Cooking A Parisian Cookbook
World Food: Paris : Heritage Recipes for Classic Home Cooking A Parisian Cookbook
World Food: Paris : Heritage Recipes for Classic Home Cooking A Parisian Cookbook
World Food: Paris : Heritage Recipes for Classic Home Cooking A Parisian Cookbook
World Food: Paris : Heritage Recipes for Classic Home Cooking A Parisian Cookbook
World Food: Paris : Heritage Recipes for Classic Home Cooking A Parisian Cookbook
World Food: Paris : Heritage Recipes for Classic Home Cooking A Parisian Cookbook
World Food: Paris : Heritage Recipes for Classic Home Cooking A Parisian Cookbook
World Food: Paris : Heritage Recipes for Classic Home Cooking A Parisian Cookbook
World Food: Paris : Heritage Recipes for Classic Home Cooking A Parisian Cookbook
World Food: Paris : Heritage Recipes for Classic Home Cooking A Parisian Cookbook
World Food: Paris : Heritage Recipes for Classic Home Cooking A Parisian Cookbook
World Food: Paris : Heritage Recipes for Classic Home Cooking A Parisian Cookbook

World Food: Paris : Heritage Recipes for Classic Home Cooking A Parisian Cookbook

  • This mouthwatering, lavishly photographed jaunt through the gastronomic capital of the world includes visits to world-renowned restaurants, hidden gems off the beaten path, classic and modern Parisian cuisine, and so much more.
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*** PREMIERA 26 PAŹDZIERNIKA 2021 *** Introducing World Food, an exceptional new series in the tradition of classic cookbooks that takes you on a journey to the world's greatest cuisines and the remarkable cultures they come from. Paris has long been synonymous with the best in dining. But until now, no single book has explained why this city continues to matter so much to food lovers. Enter World Food: Paris, which goes beyond the bistros and creperies to celebrate Paris as it is now: a modern, global city where cooks of all stripes are reimagining a glorious culinary tradition. From the new-chef restaurateurs of the last decade to the cooks of humble suburban kitchens, from haute places to neighborhood cafés and the most creative patisseries, this volume tells the stories of the best cooking found in Paris. James Oseland rounds up dishes from all over the city, from celebrations and daily meals: Fresh Herb and Lemon Zest Dip, Salt-Roasted Pork with Preserved Lemon and Ginger, Lamb Tagine with Saffron and Olives, and Syrian Flatbread with Spicy Lamb Topping. And he honors the fundamental backbone of Parisian cooking, serving up techniques for the classic dishes: pissaladière, steak frites, mille feuille, mousse au chocolate, and more. This mouthwatering, lavishly photographed jaunt through the gastronomic capital of the world includes visits to world-renowned restaurants, hidden gems off the beaten path, classic and modern Parisian cuisine, and so much more.
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James Oseland
oprawa twarda
Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale
254 x 178
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