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Tofu Tasty : Imaginative tofu recipes for every day

Tofu Tasty : Imaginative tofu recipes for every day

  • Tofu Tasty will revolutionise the way we think and cook with tofu forever.
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*** PREMIERA 2 WRZEŚNIA 2021 *** Tofu Tasty will revolutionise the way we think and cook with tofu forever. Never tasteless, never boring and definitely not just for vegetarians, tofu is an exciting ingredient and Tofu Tasty is here to challenge you into cooking new and inspiring dishes. As well as 60 vibrant and versatile recipes, Bonnie Chung explores the different types of tofu, its history and heritage, health benefits, and its role in Asian cuisine. She also teaches you how to make, press and store your own tofu. Tofu has enjoyed a central place on dinner tables across Asia for centuries, but in the West it has become synonymous with a bland meat alternative - but Tofu Tasty is here to put tofu centre stage of every dish. The recipes in Tofu Tasty all start vegetarian, however 'twists' are provided to include a meat or fish variation for non-veggie days. The recipe chapters are arranged into sections by texture: Crispy Tofu: including Bookshop Katsu curry, Panko tofu bao and Tofu Miso DengakuSoft & Chunky Tofu: including Ma Po tofu, Smoked tofu okonomiyaki and Indo-Chinese chilli tofu Mashed Tofu: including Chilli butter turmeric tofu scramble, Tofu Shirae salad and Miso tofu celery wantonsSilken Tofu: including Fully-loaded spicy Xi'an cold tofu, Hot & Sour Soup and Korean tofu stew Fermented Tofu: including Red fermented tofu cauliflower steaks and Triple tofu Banh MiDried & Fried Tofu: including Tofu & mushroom Dan Dan noodles and Miso soup with aburaage and deep-fried aubergineSweet Tofu: including Baked Matcha tofu cheesecake and Tofu Fa pudding
Dane książki


Bonnie Chung
oprawa twarda
Pavilion Books
224 x 189
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