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Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945

Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945

  • A compelling social and cultural history of Britain since the Second World War, showing how photographers have depicted the country over the last seventy years.
279,00 zł
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
Another Country : British Documentary Photography Since 1945
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A compelling social and cultural history of Britain since the Second World War, showing how photographers have depicted the country over the last seventy years. Another Country offers a lively, vital rethinking of British documentary photography over the last seven decades. This collection includes a diverse range of photographers working in an exciting array of photographic and artistic modes, encompassing images from iconic reportage to photo-text pieces, from self-portraits to political photo-collages.

As Britain takes an increasingly significant place in the history of documentary photography, award-winning photography writer and critic Gerry Badger brings vital context and breadth to the conversation. Organized chronologically, each chapter spans a particular period of social and cultural history, focusing on the major photographers, figures, institutions, publications and galleries that shaped the photographic climate of their time, as well as the broader tastes of the era. Chapter-by-chapter picture sections present famous works alongside forgotten masterpieces, interspersed with focused commentaries on selected photographs by both Badger and a range of contributors.

This multilayered approach provides a rich understanding of the evolution and sheer variety of British documentary photography. With more than 165 photographers represented - including work by Bert Hardy, Lee Miller, Bill Brandt, Nigel Henderson, Don McCullin, Jane Bown, Yinka Shonibare, Maud Sulter, Nadav Kander, Tom Hunter, Chloe Dewe Matthews, Cold War Steve and many more - this book is a comprehensive overview of how photographers and photo-artists have depicted Britain and British society over the last seventy years.

Kod producenta


Gerry Badger
oprawa twarda
Thames & Hudson Ltd
Liczba stron
295 x 245
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