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Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums
Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums
Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums
Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums
Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums
Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums
Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums
Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums
Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums
Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums
Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums
Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums
Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums
Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums
Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums
Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums
Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums
Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums

Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums

  • Step outside the white cube and rediscover the creative outdoors with these in situ artworks that turn places into must-see cultural destinations.
179,00 zł
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Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums
Art Escapes : Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museums
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Art exists all around us, sometimes hidden in plain sight and sometimes in remote corners of the world.

Art Escapes explores exciting art outside conventional spaces, freely available for those willing to discover creativity on another plane.

From the Italian countryside via the Utah desert to the forests of Finland and beyond, culture editor Grace Banks offers a list for art lovers seeking unique experiences.

Kod producenta


Grace Banks
oprawa twarda
Gestalten Verlag
Liczba stron
210 × 260
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Zapytaj o produkt
Jeżeli powyższy opis jest dla Ciebie niewystarczający, prześlij nam swoje pytanie odnośnie tego produktu. Postaramy się odpowiedzieć tak szybko jak tylko będzie to możliwe. Dane są przetwarzane zgodnie z polityką prywatności. Przesyłając je, akceptujesz jej postanowienia.

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