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Bake : My Best Ever Recipes for the Classics
Bake : My Best Ever Recipes for the Classics
Bake : My Best Ever Recipes for the Classics
Bake : My Best Ever Recipes for the Classics
Bake : My Best Ever Recipes for the Classics
Bake : My Best Ever Recipes for the Classics

Bake : My Best Ever Recipes for the Classics

  • In BAKE Paul Hollywood shares his best ever recipes for classic bakes.
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In BAKE Paul Hollywood shares his best ever recipes for classic bakes. Cakes, biscuits and cookies, breads and flatbreads, pizza and doughnuts, pastries and pies, and showstopping desserts: this book has it all. From classic cakes like the Victoria Sandwich and Chocolate Fudge Cake, through brilliant breads like his foolproof Sourdough, to savoury and sweet pastries like Sausage Rolls and Danish Pastries, these are the only recipes you'll need to create perfectly delicious bakes time and time again.

With more years as a professional baker than he'd care to remember and over 10 years judging the best baking show on TV, Paul has created, tested and tasted a huge number of bakes. He has also travelled widely and learnt so much about the craft he loves. For Paul, one of the most joyful things about baking is how it evolves as we discover new techniques, ingredients and influences.

As our knowledge improves, so do our recipes. Paul combines every tip and trick he has learned together with his incredible technical know-how to create the ultimate collection of incredible bakes.

Kod producenta


Paul Hollywood
oprawa twarda
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
Liczba stron
251 x 197 x 28
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