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The Spanish Home Kitchen

The Spanish Home Kitchen

  • Full of food that I want to eat, have to cook, and makes me happy just to think about. Quite simply, I love it. I can't see how anyone wouldn't.
159,00 zł
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"Full of food that I want to eat, have to cook, and makes me happy just to think about. Quite simply, I love it. I can't see how anyone wouldn't. Frankly, I could cook from this book non-stop." - Nigella LawsonA collection of over 80 best-loved recipes from the heart of chef Jose Pizarro's Spanish family home. In The Spanish Home Kitchen, Jose Pizarro travels back to his mother's house to draw inspiration from the flavours he grew up with, and shares over 80 of his favourite recipes, gathered from all over Spain. Jose Pizarro grew up in central-western Spain, in the tiny village of Talavan. His family had been farmers for generations and he spent his childhood on his parent's farm, helping his father produce vegetables, dairy products and different meats. Life in this small village centred on dinner, with great recipes passed from generation to generation through his grandmother, to his mother, and now him. Recipes include: Shoulder of Iberico Pork in Rich Tomato Sauce with Zesty Couscous; Migas with Fried Egg, Chorizo and Bacon; Seared Squid with Caramelised Fennel and Onions and Lemon and Parsley Dressing; Cherries in Aguardiente Syrup with Pistachio Ice Cream. From nostalgic childhood favourites that his mother fed the family, to more modern recipes with his Spanish twist, there's a recipe here for everyone.
Kod producenta


José Pizarro
oprawa twarda
Hardie Grant Books (UK)
Liczba stron
186 x 271 x 29
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