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Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure
Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure

Charcuterie : Slow Down, Salt, Dry and Cure

  • From Scratch: Charcuterie is an accessible handbook that features all the recipes and techniques you need to know to cure and preserve meat from scratch.
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From Scratch: Charcuterie is an accessible handbook that features all the recipes and techniques you need to know to cure and preserve meat from scratch. Preserving and curing at home is easier than you think, and this book explains how. Covering the basics, Tim Hayward takes the home cook from the principles of charcuterie and the importance of salinity, temperature, humidity and time through all the classic techniques of curing and salting, drying and preserving. With clear step-by-step instructions and photography, explanations of what works and why, and foolproof recipes, you'll learn how to make everything from Pate to Pastrami, Smoking Bacon to Salt Beef, Corned Beef to Confit Duck and more. Packed with useful, accessible information and focussing on back-to-basics skills, the From Scratch series is designed to inspire you to slow down and create. Titles include: Sourdough, Brew, Ferment.
Kod producenta


Tim Hayward
oprawa miękka
Quadrille Publishing Ltd
Liczba stron
143 x 190 x 27
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