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Cook, Eat, Repeat : Ingredients, recipes and stories by Nigella Lawson
Cook, Eat, Repeat : Ingredients, recipes and stories by Nigella Lawson
Cook, Eat, Repeat : Ingredients, recipes and stories by Nigella Lawson
Cook, Eat, Repeat : Ingredients, recipes and stories by Nigella Lawson
Cook, Eat, Repeat : Ingredients, recipes and stories by Nigella Lawson
Cook, Eat, Repeat : Ingredients, recipes and stories by Nigella Lawson
Cook, Eat, Repeat : Ingredients, recipes and stories by Nigella Lawson
Cook, Eat, Repeat : Ingredients, recipes and stories by Nigella Lawson
Cook, Eat, Repeat : Ingredients, recipes and stories by Nigella Lawson
Cook, Eat, Repeat : Ingredients, recipes and stories by Nigella Lawson
Cook, Eat, Repeat : Ingredients, recipes and stories by Nigella Lawson
Cook, Eat, Repeat : Ingredients, recipes and stories by Nigella Lawson
Cook, Eat, Repeat : Ingredients, recipes and stories by Nigella Lawson
Cook, Eat, Repeat : Ingredients, recipes and stories by Nigella Lawson
Cook, Eat, Repeat : Ingredients, recipes and stories by Nigella Lawson
Cook, Eat, Repeat : Ingredients, recipes and stories by Nigella Lawson
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Cook, Eat, Repeat : Ingredients, recipes and stories by Nigella Lawson

  • 'Food, for me, is a constant pleasure: I like to think greedily about it, reflect deeply on it, learn from it
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Cook, Eat, Repeat : Ingredients, recipes and stories by Nigella Lawson
Cook, Eat, Repeat : Ingredients, recipes and stories by Nigella Lawson
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Food, for me, is a constant pleasure: I like to think greedily about it, reflect deeply on it, learn from it; it ... More than just a mantra, "cook, eat, repeat" is the story of my life.' **WITH OVER 15O DELICIOUS RECIPIES THIS IS THE ULTIMATE GIFT FOR EVERY COOK AND FOODIE IN YOUR LIFE** THE BBC TV SERIES, COOK, EAT, REPEAT, IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON IPLAYER NOW Cook, Eat, Repeat is a delicious and delightful combination of recipes intertwined with narrative essays about food, all written in Nigella's engaging and insightful prose. Whether asking 'What is a Recipe?' or declaring death to the Guilty Pleasure, Nigella's wisdom about food and life comes to the fore, with tasty new recipes that readers will want to return to again and again. 'The recipes I write come from my life, my home', says Nigella, and in this book she shares the rhythms and rituals of her kitchen through over 150 new recipes that make the most of her favourite ingredients. Dedicated chapters include 'A is for Anchovy' (a celebration of the bacon of the sea), 'Rhubarb', 'A Loving Defence of Brown Food', a suitably expansive chapter devoted to family dinners, plus inspiration for vegan feasts, solo suppers and new ideas for Christmas. Within these chapters are recipes for all seasons and tastes: Burnt Onion and Aubergine Dip; Butternut with Beetroot, Chilli and Ginger Sauce; Fish Finger Bhorta; Spaghetti with Chard and Anchovies; Chicken with Garlic Cream Sauce; Beef Cheeks with Port and Chestnuts; and Wide Noodles with Lamb in Aromatic Broth, to name a few. Those with a sweet tooth will delight in Chocolate, Tahini and Banana Pudding; Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake; Basque Burnt Cheesecake; and Cherry and Almond Crumble. 'A rapturous account of wonderful food and a joyful antidote to everything else' Meera Sodha, Guardian, 'I can't think of a better companion for these strange times' Bee Wilson, Sunday Times 'Lawson's latest book is the one I've been waiting for her to write...Her aim is to empower and demystify and to encourage everyone to get as much pleasure from cooking as she does' Diana Henry, Daily Telegraph
Kod producenta


Nigella Lawson
oprawa twarda
Vintage Publishing
Liczba stron
174 x 247 x 36
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