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The Vegan Baking Bible : Over 300 Recipes for Bakes, Cakes, Treats and Sweets

The Vegan Baking Bible : Over 300 Recipes for Bakes, Cakes, Treats and Sweets

  • You shouldn't have to compromise on flavour, texture and the look of your cake just because it's vegan.
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You shouldn't have to compromise on flavour, texture and the look of your cake just because it's vegan. From carrot cake and chocolate cookies to madeleines and muffins; in this ultimate bible, Karolina has veganised old baking favourites as well as creating new baking recipes to make vegan baking accessible and fun to the novice baker. Over 10 years of hard work and trial-and-error, the talented Karolina Tegelaar has created the ultimate vegan baking book - a must-have for every baking-enthusiast's kitchen.

Vegan baking has been revolutionised by the introduction of aquafaba and plant-based dairy products, and this definitive bible chronicles everything you need to know to create all the baking classics, as well as new and interesting bakes, using the latest techniques. With this book, you'll never again have to make compromises on flavour, texture and design when baking vegan. Packed with hundreds of tips, techniques and troubleshooting advice, The Vegan Baking Bible includes everything from cakes, muffins, meringues, biscuits, cookies, brownies, gingerbread, ice cream and even a whole section on yeasted doughs and pastries so you can make bagels, doughnuts and pain au chocolat, too.

Kod producenta


Karolina Tegelaar
oprawa twarda
HarperCollins Publishers
Liczba stron
179 x 249 x 39
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