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Batch Baking : Get-ahead Recipes for Cookies, Cakes, Breads and More

Batch Baking : Get-ahead Recipes for Cookies, Cakes, Breads and More

  • Batch bake without having to start from scratch each time you want home-baked goods. Berlin Baking Queen Cynthia Barcomi revolutionises the way we bake. Simply make a dough, bake now or keep for later.
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Batch bake without having to start from scratch each time you want home-baked goods. Berlin Baking Queen Cynthia Barcomi revolutionises the way we bake. Simply make a dough, bake now or keep for later.

Stock self-made doughs, batters and frostings in the fridge or freezer so you're ready to bake what you want when you want! Enjoy pancakes every morning for a week without starting from scratch each time. Get ahead with over 70 tried-and-tested recipes for cookies, cakes, breads, pies, tarts and even sourdough! Satisfy spontaneous cravings and unexpected guests with homemade convenience at your fingertips. According to a recent study, half of Brits say they have baked at home at least once a week since the first national lockdown hit last March, and a total of 27% are baking more than once a week! Why not beat the baking odds and hone in on your meal-prep practice with this ultimate guide to batch-baking? Proving the only book on the market to consider batch-making for baking, this is a must-have volume for enthusiastic home bakers who find themselves pressed for time or only want to bake a small amount - just enough to satisfy a craving.

Keeping doughs, batters and buttercreams fresh is easy!This brilliant guide to baking includes:-70 photographed dough, batter, pastry, and frosting recipes -Fridge, Freeze, Bake from Frozen panels to help with batching and storing -Gluten-free with vegan recipes and substitutions included throughout-Icons to signify prep time and cooking timeBatch Baking is all about homemade convenience. Delicious pastries, breads, and cakes you make yourself will taste infinitely better than anything store-bought and working in batches makes it convenient too! Learn about the secrets to successfully making your own sourdough! Ever heard of a Cake-ie? And how about the most perfect chocolate chip cookies you have ever eaten? Make your own puff pastry and store it in the freezer for just that moment!In this tasty baking book, TV chef Cynthia Barcomi shares over 70 of her tried-and-tested dough, batter, pastry, and frosting recipes, featuring vegan recipes, and including advice on working with doughs (with and without yeast), plus refrigeration and storage. A must-have volume for home bakers.

Kod producenta


Cynthia Barcomi
oprawa twarda
Dorling Kindersley Ltd
Liczba stron
196 x 254 x 25
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