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The Hairy Dieters' Simple Healthy Food : 80 Tasty Recipes to Lose Weight and Stay Healthy

The Hairy Dieters' Simple Healthy Food : 80 Tasty Recipes to Lose Weight and Stay Healthy

  • The nation's favourite food heroes, aka the Hairy Dieters, are back to show you that losing weight and staying healthy doesn't mean losing out on taste and enjoyment.
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The nation's favourite food heroes, aka the Hairy Dieters, are back to show you that losing weight and staying healthy doesn't mean losing out on taste and enjoyment. With more than 80 great new recipes, Si and Dave prove that healthy food can be delicious food - and also easy, accessible and affordable. With the abundance of health and nutrition information being published, it can be hard to keep up with what's good for you and what's not; what the latest advice is on low-fat products; or what you need to know about gut health or high fibre diets.

As consumers, we are constantly bombarded by conflicting messages about what to eat and when - and unsurprisingly this can become overwhelming. Ten years on from the release of their first, multi-million copy selling diet book, THE HAIRY DIETERS, Si and Dave are aware of how confusing this can be. THE HAIRY DIETERS: SIMPLE HEALTHY FOOD is here to provide clear, simple nutritional ground rules - based on the advice of medical experts, including Professor Roy Taylor, and professional athletes - and delicious low-cal recipes to help you eat well, lose weight and stay healthy for the long term.

This book is brimming with good-hearted healthy food, including tasty ways to start the day, light takes on lunch, speedy snacks, satisfying dinners and brilliant batch-cook basics. All made with easy-to-find ingredients and packed with the Hairy Bikers' trademark knockout flavours, so you won't feel like you're missing out when you cook from this book - these are healthy meals that the whole family will love.

Kod producenta


Si King
Dave Myers
oprawa miękka
Orion Publishing Co
Liczba stron
246 x 189 x 16
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