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Design: The Whole Story
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Design: The Whole Story

  • A revised edition of this popular history of design, updated to reflect innovations since the book's first publication in 2016.
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A revised edition of this popular history of design, updated to reflect innovations since the book's first publication in 2016. Design: The Whole Story takes a close look at the key developments, movements and practitioners of design around the world, from the beginnings of industrial manufacturing to the present day. Organized chronologically, it locates design within its technological, cultural, economic, aesthetic and theoretical contexts.

From the high-minded moralists of the 19th century to the radical thinkers of modernism - and from the emergence of showmen such as Raymond Loewy in the 1930s to today's superstars such as Philippe Starck - the book provides in-depth coverage of a subject that touches all our lives. Iconic works that mark significant steps forward or that characterize a particular era or approach - such as Marcel Breuer's Wassily chair of 1925, Eliot Noyes' corporate identity work for IBM in the 1950s and Matthew Carter's Verdana typeface, designed to be read on screen - are analysed in detail, while the text sets out the framework of ideas, intent and technology within which differing approaches to design have evolved. From the cars we drive and the products we buy to the graphics that surround us, we are all consumers of design.

Kod producenta


Elizabeth Wilhide
oprawa miękka
Thames & Hudson Ltd
Liczba stron
187 x 251 x 38
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