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Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
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Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House

  • From their heritage trenches and ubiquitous check to experimental red carpet looks, the House of Burberry is known worldwide for its covetable designs.
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Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
Little Book of Burberry : The Story of the Iconic Fashion House
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Sophisticated, simple, and quintessentially British, Burberry is beloved for its remarkable ability to straddle tradition and innovation. The allure of the 'Burberry Girls', like Cara Delevingne, Kate Moss or Naomi Campbell, epitomizes just what Burberry is about: aspiration, elegance and grace. Featuring an exquisite range of photographs, from finished designs to close-up details and beautifully styled shots, this book pulls back the curtain on the story behind the brand. Touching on its humble beginnings in 1856, all the way up to its current designs, this invaluable reference is the definitive word on all things Burberry.
Kod producenta


Darla-Jane Gilroy
oprawa twarda
Welbeck Publishing Group
Liczba stron
180 x 125
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