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A Humanist Vision : The Naomi Rosenblum Family Collection
A Humanist Vision : The Naomi Rosenblum Family Collection
A Humanist Vision : The Naomi Rosenblum Family Collection
A Humanist Vision : The Naomi Rosenblum Family Collection
A Humanist Vision : The Naomi Rosenblum Family Collection
A Humanist Vision : The Naomi Rosenblum Family Collection
A Humanist Vision : The Naomi Rosenblum Family Collection
A Humanist Vision : The Naomi Rosenblum Family Collection
A Humanist Vision : The Naomi Rosenblum Family Collection
A Humanist Vision : The Naomi Rosenblum Family Collection
A Humanist Vision : The Naomi Rosenblum Family Collection
A Humanist Vision : The Naomi Rosenblum Family Collection
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A Humanist Vision : The Naomi Rosenblum Family Collection

  • Naomi Rosenblum (1925-2021) was the leading historian of photography in her lifetime.
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A Humanist Vision : The Naomi Rosenblum Family Collection
A Humanist Vision : The Naomi Rosenblum Family Collection
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Her two major books, A World History of Photography and A History of Women Photographers, furthered the recognition of photography as a central art form of the 20th century, and one in which women played a critical role. Rosenblum's deep knowledge and remarkable eye are evident in the collection of photography that she and her family built in her lifetime. This beautifully designed volume, conceived by Naomi and her daughters, Nina and Lisa, marks the first publication of the family's exceptional collection, which is focused on work that combines aesthetic considerations with humanist values. The photographers represented range from pioneers like Alfred Stieglitz, Margaret Bourke-White, Dorothea Lange, Lewis Hine, Paul Strand (the subject of Naomi Rosenblum's doctoral dissertation), and her husband, Walter Rosenblum, to acclaimed contemporary practitioners including Mary Ellen Mark, Ming Smith, and Sebastiao Salgado. The collection is intergenerational and also includes important examples of 20th century sculpture by such artists as Lynn Chadwick and Barry Flanagan. Essays by several distinguished contributors - including artist and scholar Deborah Willis; curator Barbara Tannenbaum; Milan-based curator and writer Enrica Vigano; and editor and writer Diana C. Stoll - celebrate and elucidate Naomi Rosenblum's life and career. A Humanist Vision is both a fitting tribute to a path breaking scholar and a contribution to the photographic literature in its own right.
Kod producenta


Nina Rosenblum
Lisa Rosenblum
oprawa twarda
Abbeville Press Inc.,U.S.
Liczba stron
305 x 254
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