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Carve Your Clay : Techniques to Bring the Pottery Surface to Life
Carve Your Clay : Techniques to Bring the Pottery Surface to Life
Carve Your Clay : Techniques to Bring the Pottery Surface to Life
Carve Your Clay : Techniques to Bring the Pottery Surface to Life
Carve Your Clay : Techniques to Bring the Pottery Surface to Life
Carve Your Clay : Techniques to Bring the Pottery Surface to Life
Carve Your Clay : Techniques to Bring the Pottery Surface to Life
Carve Your Clay : Techniques to Bring the Pottery Surface to Life
Carve Your Clay : Techniques to Bring the Pottery Surface to Life
Carve Your Clay : Techniques to Bring the Pottery Surface to Life
Carve Your Clay : Techniques to Bring the Pottery Surface to Life
Carve Your Clay : Techniques to Bring the Pottery Surface to Life
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Carve Your Clay : Techniques to Bring the Pottery Surface to Life

  • Focusing on the pottery surface, Carve Your Clay covers a wide range of decorative carving techniques, from piercing, etching, inlaying to sgraffito, faceting, and fettling.
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Focusing on the pottery surface, Carve Your Clay covers a wide range of decorative carving techniques, from piercing, etching, inlaying to sgraffito, faceting, and fettling.

The techniques are taught through 20 projects in Hilda's signature style, with clear, step-by-step photography and easy-to-follow instructions to achieve beautiful results. With easy guides on how to create form as well as glazing and firing, this is a comprehensive guide suitable for new and practising potters alike.

Kod producenta
190 x 246 x 13
Ilość stron
Search Press Ltd
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Hilda Carr
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