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Crystal and Gems : From Mythical Properties to Magical Stories

Crystal and Gems : From Mythical Properties to Magical Stories

  • Discover the history of precious, semi-precious, and organic gemstones, their scientific properties, their mythical powers, and their traditional uses.
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Humans have been beguiled and fascinated by gemstones and crystals since prehistory, and made use of them for everything from currency and ceremonial decoration to tokens of love or power. But why have some been considered more significant than others - rare or otherwise?Learn all about the key characteristics of precious and semi-precious stones, and discover the science behind some of their more unusual and mysterious properties, and the various ways in which they have taken on powerful symbolic meanings.

How did the Vikings use iolite to help them steer their ships, for example? And why did the Ancient Greeks and Romans believe that sardonyx could protect them in battle? Inside this magical book of crystals, you will find:- A quirky and compelling angle on the subject of crystals and gems - combining science with culture and history. - Definitions for the key properties of precious, semi-precious, and organic stones. - An exploration of their traditional uses in healing and manifesting, and the powers they have been ascribed through the centuries.

The stories of famous gems and jewels throughout historyEncounter the fascinating stories of some of the most famous or celebrated gemstones and jewels along the way - from a turquoise-studded pectoral worn during Aztec ceremonies, to the diamond necklace that helped to bring about the French Revolution - in this glorious celebration of precious, semi-precious, and organic stones in all their beauty and variety.

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Dorling Kindersley Ltd
156 x 200 x 21
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