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Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
Bright Stars of Black British History
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Bright Stars of Black British History

  • This richly illustrated collection presents the extraordinary life stories of fourteen bright stars from Black British history - from Tudor England to modern Britain - and charts their ongoing influence.
89,00 złNajniższa cena z 30 dni przed obniżką(Zniżka 25%)
66,75 zł
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This important and timely book delves into the life stories of important figures - including Tudor trumpeter John Blanke, storytelling freedom fighter Mary Prince, and Notting Hill Carnival founder Claudia Jones - many of whom are only just beginning to get the recognition that they deserve. Brought to life through hand-painted illustrations by award-winning illustrator Angela Vives, Bright Stars of Black British History shines a light on the courage, resilience and talent of remarkable individuals who have left a lasting mark on our collective history.
Kod producenta


J.T. Williams
oprawa twarda
Thames & Hudson
177 x 248 x 22
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