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Analogue : A Field Guide
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Analogue : A Field Guide

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The perfect antidote to your digital diet, this is a delightful exploration of analogue product design that crosses categories and generations, celebrating the timeless allure of the real and tactile over the merely virtual. Covering sound, vision, communication and information, Analogue: A Field Guide is an evocative trip through an era of innovative design, profiling 250 classic objects from radios to turntables, TVs to cameras, and typewriters to telephones. Along the way, it surveys all the iconic brands as well as the technological developments that have made these devices possible.

There is a growing nostalgia for physical, real-world interaction with design and technology and a desire to reconnect with both things and people, something that has been eroded by the digital revolution. The wide-ranging approach of this book enables it to show the deeper cultural and social significance of the analogue era, with the authority to convince those who know a lot about each category and the breadth to attract the non-specialist. Ideal for those nostalgic for physical media, as well as those who collect, use and maintain these older technologies.

Written by leading design historian, Deyan Sudjic, the book includes works by such renowned designers as Dieter Rams, Philippe Starck, Ettore Sottsass and Richard Sapper, and taps into the ever-growing renaissance of interest in the analogue world.

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oprawa twarda
Quarto Publishing PLC
Liczba stron
219 x 278 x 29
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