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Before Your Memory Fades
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Before Your Memory Fades

  • The Japanese TikTok favourite that will break your heart
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he million-copy bestselling series. Toshikazu Kawaguchi’s touching Before Your Memory Fades, translated from Japanese by Geoffrey Trousselot, explores the age-old question: what would you do if you could travel back in time? More importantly, who would you want to meet, maybe for one last time?On the hillside of Mount Hakodate in northern Japan, Cafe Donna Donna is fabled for its dazzling views of Hakodate port. But that’s not all.

Cafe Donna Donna offers its customers the extraordinary experience of travelling through time. From the author of Before the Coffee Gets Cold and Tales from the Cafe comes another heartfelt story of lost souls hoping to take advantage of the cafe's time-travelling offer. Among some familiar faces, readers will also be introduced to:The daughter who begrudges her deceased parents for leaving her orphanedThe comedian who aches for his beloved and their shared dreamsThe younger sister whose grief has become all-consumingThe young man who realizes his love for his childhood friend too late. Featuring Kawaguchi's signature wistful storytelling, Before Your Memory Fades is full of heart and emotion.

Catch up on the rest of the series set in the charming Tokyo cafe Funiculi Funicula, with Before the Coffee Gets Cold, Tales from the Cafe and Before We Say Goodbye. *Pre-order Book 5, Before We Forget Kindness, now!

Kod producenta


Toshikazu Kawaguchi
oprawa miękka
132 x 197 x 20
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