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Hummus Bros. Levantine Kitchen: Delicious, Healthy Recipes Inspired by the Ancient Mediterranean

Hummus Bros. Levantine Kitchen: Delicious, Healthy Recipes Inspired by the Ancient Mediterranean

  • Why Hummus? We'll give the answer right at the start: people are passionate about hummus.
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Why Hummus? We'll give the answer right at the start: people are passionate about hummus. They're passionate about it because it goes so well with so many things. Any family or friendly meal we ever remember that had a hummus dish on the table, never had any hummus left by the end of it. It is such a versatile food. A true staple of the eastern Mediterranean, where every restaurant wants to be known as makers of the best hummus in town. The Hummus Bros offer the best hummus in London town and now bring it to the world via their first book. In this book you will find the dishes that go really well with hummus. Rather than just being a dip, Hummus Bros see hummus as a way of eating and the menu features a diverse range of accompaniments to the hummus, which is the main star. Featuring 60 recipes, from the hummus itself, though meat and veggie accompaniments, the essential falafel recipe, salads, breads, sauces and even delicious desserts and drinks. Featuring lamb with pine nuts and Middle Eastern spices, smoky barbecued aubergine, tabbouleh, a 5000-year-old recipe for fava beans, even a surprising guacamole. All the recipes are simple and fresh and easy to prepare. They are also healthy, fashionable and easy on the pocket. Beautifully photographed and designed, Hummus Bros. Levantine Kitchen is an essential book for anyone keen on the humble chickpea - give peas a chance.



Christian Mouysset
Ronen Givon
Niepowtarzalny dziesięciocyfrowy, a od 01.01.2007 13-cyfrowy identyfikator książki
160 stron
Pavilion Books
22.6 x 19.2 x 2 cm
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