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Green Kitchen Travels Healthy Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures
Green Kitchen Travels Healthy Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures
Green Kitchen Travels Healthy Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures
Green Kitchen Travels Healthy Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures
Green Kitchen Travels Healthy Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures
Green Kitchen Travels Healthy Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures
Green Kitchen Travels Healthy Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures
Green Kitchen Travels Healthy Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures
Green Kitchen Travels Healthy Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures
Green Kitchen Travels Healthy Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures
Green Kitchen Travels Healthy Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures
Green Kitchen Travels Healthy Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures
Green Kitchen Travels Healthy Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures
Green Kitchen Travels Healthy Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures
Green Kitchen Travels Healthy Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures
Green Kitchen Travels Healthy Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures
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Green Kitchen Travels Healthy Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures

  • With stunning photography and food styling, as well as personal anecdotes and images from the authors' travels, Green Kitchen Travels shares modern and inspiring vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free recipes.
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Green Kitchen Travels Healthy Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures
Green Kitchen Travels Healthy Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures
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David, Luise and their daughter Elsa are a family who love to travel. Hungry to see and taste more of the world, they had embarked on an around-the-world trip by the time Elsa was just seven months old. Take your own inspiration from their travels: start the day with indulgent almond pumpkin waffles from San Francisco, tuck into a raw beansprout pad thai from Thailand for lunch, and a Sri Lankan vegetable curry for supper. With easy to find ingredients and simple instructions, these recipes are sure to be a success. With stunning photography and food styling, as well as personal anecdotes and images from the authors' travels, Green Kitchen Travels shares modern and inspiring vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free recipes.


David Frenkiel
Hardie Grant Books
21 x 26.5 cm
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