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Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion

Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion

  • This fundamental resource for all textile and fashion designers explores over 70 production techniques and over 60 materials used in textile and fashion design.
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This fundamental resource for all textile and fashion designers explores over 70 production techniques and over 60 materials used in textile and fashion design. Organized into four main parts Fibre and Yarn Technology, Textile Technology, Construction Technology, and Materials it is a complete overview of the life cycle of textile and fashion manufacturing, from the spinning of yarn to recycling. In parts 13, over 70 major processes are explained in detail, each featuring a technical description, an analysis of the applications, design opportunities and considerations, quality, cost, speed and environmental impact. All of the processes feature detailed step-by-step case studies showing the process either at source or in manufacture at a leading international supplier. Part 4 features essential knowledge on over 60 natural and synthetic materials.


Rob Thompson
Martin Thompson
Thames & Hudson
289 x 224 x 48 mm
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