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A Lebanese Feast of Vegetables, Pulses, Herbs and Spices

A Lebanese Feast of Vegetables, Pulses, Herbs and Spices

  • This luscious and contemporary take on the alluring cuisine of Iran from cookbook author Louisa Shafia features 75 recipes for both traditional Persian dishes and modern reinterpretations using Middle Eastern ingredients.
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This cornucopia of delicious vegetable recipes has been assembled by the author of Everyday Lebanese Cooking. It focuses on those recipes that make Lebanese cuisine one of the healthiest in the world because of the huge variety of vegetarian dishes on which it is based. Vegetable and pulse dishes are what most Lebanese prefer to eat most of the time. This book includes, of course, the famous mezze and speciality sweets and also peasant food from the rural mountains, traditional dishes from the north and south along the Mediterranean coast, and street food including the familiar Falafel wraps. These are affordable recipes that often turn only a few simple ingredients into a delicious meal with a stunning combination of flavours. The majority of these dishes are suitable for vegans as dairy and eggs are seldom used in cooking.


Mona Hamadeh
19.7 x 2.2 x 24.8 cm
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