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Anyway Anyhow Anywhere The Complete Chronicle of the Who 1958-1978

Anyway Anyhow Anywhere The Complete Chronicle of the Who 1958-1978

  • A unique collection of rare photographs and memorabilia puts the reader in the front row of one of the greatest rock acts ever to appear on stage.
69,00 zł
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Anyway Anyhow Anywhere The Complete Chronicle of the Who 1958-1978
Anyway Anyhow Anywhere The Complete Chronicle of the Who 1958-1978
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The most dynamic day-to-day chronicle of the band ever compiled. Organised by year, each chapter of the book gives an overview of the band's fortunes and presents in diary fashion exactly what the boys were doing including detailed information about concert tours, radio and television gigs, recording sessions, record releases and solo activities. Providing a unique insight into the members' professional and personal relationships, there are also quotes from the band members as well as from individuals who knew them and worked with them throughout the years. A unique collection of rare photographs and memorabilia puts the reader in the front row of one of the greatest rock acts ever to appear on stage.
Kod producenta


Kent Matt
Neill Andy
Niepowtarzalny dziesięciocyfrowy, a od 01.01.2007 13-cyfrowy identyfikator książki
Ebury Publishing
195 x 131 mm
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