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Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies Terminology for Art, Architecture, and Other Cultural Works

Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies Terminology for Art, Architecture, and Other Cultural Works

  • This is a practical tool and comprehensive introduction to the use of controlled vocabularies. This authoritative and detailed volume presents readers with a "how-to" guide to building controlled vocabulary tools.
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Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies Terminology for Art, Architecture, and Other Cultural Works
Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies Terminology for Art, Architecture, and Other Cultural Works
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This is a practical tool and comprehensive introduction to the use of controlled vocabularies. This authoritative and detailed volume presents readers with a "how-to" guide to building controlled vocabulary tools, cataloguing and indexing cultural materials with terms and names from controlled vocabularies, and how to use vocabularies in search engines and databases to enhance discovery and retrieval online. Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies also features in-depth discussions on a number of topics, including: What are controlled vocabularies and why are they useful? Which vocabularies exist for cataloguing art and cultural objects? and how should they be used for indexing and retrieving? This updated edition reflects recent developments in the field, including new national and international standards, current trends such as Linked Open Data, and revisions to the Getty vocabularies. The glossary and bibliography have also been updated.


Niepowtarzalny dziesięciocyfrowy, a od 01.01.2007 13-cyfrowy identyfikator książki
258 strony
Getty Publications
13.3 x 2.5 x 19.7 cm
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