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Ayrton Senna: Last Night
Ayrton Senna: Last Night
Ayrton Senna: Last Night
Ayrton Senna: Last Night
Ayrton Senna: Last Night
Ayrton Senna: Last Night
Ayrton Senna: Last Night
Ayrton Senna: Last Night
Ayrton Senna: Last Night
Ayrton Senna: Last Night
Ayrton Senna: Last Night
Ayrton Senna: Last Night
Ayrton Senna: Last Night
Ayrton Senna: Last Night

Ayrton Senna: Last Night

  • A fanciful story, enriched by the writings of Giorgio Terruzzi, who covers the most important moments in Ayrton Senna’s life.
169,00 zł
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It’s been over twenty years since his death. Now, this beloved and unforgettable champion’s final hours. On May 1, 1994, at Bologna’s Ospedale Maggiore, Ayrton Senna, three-time Formula 1 world champ, lay dying after a tragic accident at the Grand Prix of San Marino. The idea for this monograph (and the exhibition at the Museo della velocità dell’Autodromo Nazionale in Monza) stems from the book Suite 200: L’ultima notte di Ayrton Senna (published by 66th and 2nd, 2014) written by the journalist Giorgio Terruzzi. An enthralling story with details on the final moments of Senna’s life and thoughts as the fateful hour approached. Through a selection of approximately one hundred photographs by Ercole Colombo–the famous Formula 1 photographer–this monograph aims to narrate the career as well as the most intimate aspects of the Brazilian car racer’s life. A fanciful story, enriched by the writings of Giorgio Terruzzi, who covers the most important moments in Ayrton Senna’s life: his legendary wins, his defeats, the loss of his friends, the great rivalry with other drivers, his emotions and family relationships, and finally the terrible accident where he lost his life.


Colombo Ercole
Terruzzi Giorgio
Niepowtarzalny dziesięciocyfrowy, a od 01.01.2007 13-cyfrowy identyfikator książki
160 stron
200 x 300 mm, 1050 grams
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