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The Illustrated Atlas of Architecture and Marvelous Monuments

The Illustrated Atlas of Architecture and Marvelous Monuments

  • This unique architecture atlas shows the most remarkable buildings in the world. Children and adults will marvel in amazement.
99,00 zł
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About This Book

Mali, in North Africa, is home to the largest building made out of clay; the structure only took one year to complete. For the construction of Neuschwanstein Castle, 465 tons of marble were hefted to the Alps to the building site. The Atomium in Brussels boasts the longest escalators in Europe. The largest mosque in the world is as big as 56 football fields. The Illustrated Atlas of Architecture and Marvelous Monuments presents a world of breathtaking buildings and their incredible stories through illustrated maps and engaging factsheets.

Sarah Tavernier and Alexandre Verhille have already deftly shown with Legendary Routes of the World that they are experts in showcasing the biggest and the best. Now, for The Illustrated Atlas of Architecture and Marvelous Monuments, they researched the longest bridges, tallest towers, the most impressive cultural sites, and plenty of curiosities. Exciting facts are woven together with a myriad of architectural styles; the material feats are skillfully and artfully placed upon bold maps, situating the constructions within a geographic context.

Alexandre Verhille illustrates maps for a variety of international newspapers and magazines. He draws inspiration from novelists such as Jack Kerouac and Jack London and comicbook writers in the vein of Hugo Pratt. When he is not working on new maps, he plans adventures around the world and illustrates children’s and travel books.

Sarah Tavernier holds a degree from the European School of Arts and Materials and works in the fields of architecture and illustration. Together with Alexandre Verhille, she crafted the pop-up book Legendary Routes of the World.


Niepowtarzalny dziesięciocyfrowy, a od 01.01.2007 13-cyfrowy identyfikator książki
48 stron
Die Gestalten Verlag
0.5 x 11 x 15.2 inches
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