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Art Deco Complete: Definitive Guide to Arts of the 1920s and1930s
Art Deco Complete: Definitive Guide to Arts of the 1920s and1930s
Art Deco Complete: Definitive Guide to Arts of the 1920s and1930s
Art Deco Complete: Definitive Guide to Arts of the 1920s and1930s

Art Deco Complete: Definitive Guide to Arts of the 1920s and1930s

  • Straddling two World Wars and the Great Depression, ushering in the Jazz Age and the era of the automobile and skyscraper
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Straddling two World Wars and the Great Depression, ushering in the Jazz Age and the era of the automobile and skyscraper, fomenting in the great cities of Europe and America and shaping everything from the Golden Gate Bridge to the humble desk lamp, the story of Art Deco is the story of our modern world. In this book, the most comprehensive account of the decorative arts of the Art Deco period ever assembled, Alastair Duncan celebrates the styles rich variety of form and its diverse international roots as the very factors that make it a perennial favourite of modern collectors and designers. Sumptuously illustrated and written by one of the worlds leading experts, Art Deco Complete will be the definitive work on the subject for many years to come.

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