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Prized Possessions Dutch Painitngs from National Trust Houses

Prized Possessions Dutch Painitngs from National Trust Houses

  • Celebrating the enduring British taste for collecting Dutch paintings from thelong seventeenth century, this exhibition catalogue will explore why and how this particular type of art was desired, commissioned and displayed, through the consideration of Go
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This catalogue will be published to accompany the fi rst ever exhibition of Golden Age Dutch pictures in the collection of the National Trust, which will be shown at the Mauritshuis in The Hague, the Holburne Museum in Bath and at Petworth House in West Sussex (2018-19). Celebrating the enduring British taste for collecting Dutch paintings from the long seventeenth century, the publication will explore why and how this particular type of art was desired, commissioned and displayed through the consideration of masterpieces from a number of National Trust houses. It will feature portraits, still lifes, religious pictures, maritime paintings, landscapes, genre paintings and history pictures, painted by celebrated artists such as Rembrandt, Lievens, Hobbema, Cuyp, Hondecoeter, De Heem, Ter Borch and Metsu, as well as less well-known artists such as De Baen and Van Diest.

With over 350 heritage properties in the UK, the National Trust cares for one of the world's largest and most signifi cant holdings of art and its collection of Dutch Old Masters is particularly impressive. The catalogue will include essays by Quentin Buvelot (chief curator at the Mauritshuis) and David Taylor (curator of pictures and s culpture at the National Trust). The authors will also discuss other aspects of the infl uence of Dutch culture in British country houses (using National Trust examples) - on furniture, garden design and print and ceramics collecting.



Quentin Buvelot
Paul Holberton Publishing
216 x 259 x 18 mm
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