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Sight Smell Touch Taste Sound A new way to cook

Sight Smell Touch Taste Sound A new way to cook

  • Exploring the five elements of cooking and eating: Taste, Flavour (smell), Texture (touch and sound), Temperature (touch) and Appearance, this book explains how these elements work together and how best to use them to produce simple, delicious dishes.
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"A fascinating and important book, informative, inspiring and a joy to read." - Claudia Roden What makes a dish look alluring? Can smell (flavour) enhance the pleasure of eating? Does the texture and sound of food change our perception? Sight Smell Touch Taste Sound is essential reading for anyone who loves to cook. Sybil Kapoor leads the reader through simplified kitchen theory and a selection of tempting recipes reveal how we can unlock the power of our five senses to make amazing meals. Cooking is the creation of dishes using different techniques and ingredients.

Underlying any recipe are five fundamental elements that form the five chapters of the book: Taste, Flavour (smell), Texture (touch and sound), Temperature (touch) and Appearance. Integral to our experience of eating, these are the building blocks of cookery throughout the world, whether you are making lemon pickle in India or porridge in Scotland. This book explains how these five elements work together and shows the reader how best to use them in everyday cooking to produce simple, delicious dishes.

The book is designed so that the reader first understands a little theory, then by cooking the recipes and conducting easy practical tests suggested throughout. Carefully cross-referenced, over 125 recipes ensure a good breadth of ideas for the domestic cook, ranging from Persian Sour Lentil Soup and Blackened Salmon with Pineapple Salsa to Mint Julep and Chilli Marmalade. Refine your understanding of multi-sensory cooking and you will find that your kitchen prowess knows no bounds.

This is Sybil Kapoor's Sight Smell Touch Taste Sound - essential for any cook's bookshelf.



Sybil Kapoor
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