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Regarding the Pain of Others

Regarding the Pain of Others

  • Regarding the Pain of Others is Susan Sontag's searing analysis of our numbed response to images of horror.
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Regarding the Pain of Others is Susan Sontag's searing analysis of our numbed response to images of horror.


From Goya's Disasters of War to news footage and photographs of the conflicts in Vietnam, Rwanda and Bosnia, pictures have been charged with inspiring dissent, fostering violence or instilling apathy in us, the viewer. Regarding the Pain of Others will alter our thinking not only about the uses and meanings of images, but about the nature of war, the limits of sympathy, and the obligations of conscience.


'Powerful, fascinating. Sontag is our outstanding contemporary writer in the moralist tradition' Sunday Times


'A coruscating sermon on how we picture suffering' The New York Times


'A far-reaching set of ruminations on human suffering, the nature of goodness, the lures, deceptions and truth of images . . . in short, a summary of what it means to be alive and alert in the twentieth century' Independent


'Sontag is on top form: firing devastating questions' Los Angeles Times


'Simple, elegant, fiercely persuasive' Metro


One of America's best-known and most admired writers, Susan Sontag was also a leading commentator on contemporary culture until her death in December 2004. Her books include four novels and numerous works of non-fiction, among them Regarding the Pain of OthersOn PhotographyIllness as MetaphorAt the Same TimeAgainst Interpretation and Other Essays and Reborn: Early Diaries 1947-1963, all of which are published by Penguin. A further eight books, including the collections of essays Under the Sign of Saturn and Where the Stress Falls, and the novels The Volcano Lover and The Benefactor, are available from Penguin Modern Classics.

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Susan Sontag
Niepowtarzalny dziesięciocyfrowy, a od 01.01.2007 13-cyfrowy identyfikator książki
144 stron
12.9 x 0.9 x 19.8 cm
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