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  • A gift edition of Hermann Hesse's classic novel, one of the most popular spiritual works of the twentieth century, featuring an elegant dust jacket with a lotus die-cutting, over contemporary art printed on the case. Hesse's "Siddhartha" is the story of o
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A beautiful gift edition of Hermann Hesse's classic novel, featuring a die-cut dust jacket over contemporary art. Dissatisfied with the traditional Vedic way of life, Siddhartha, the handsome son of a Brahmin, leaves his family and his friend, Govinda, in search of a higher state of being. Having experienced the myriad forms of existence, from the wealthy and luxurious, to the pleasures of sensual and paternal love, Siddhartha finally settles down beside a river where a humble ferryman teaches him his most valuable lesson yet.

Hermann Hesse's short, elegant novel, echoing the life of the Buddha, has been cherished by readers for decades as an unforgettable spiritual primer. As part of the Peter Owen Cased Classics series, this special hardback edition is bound with printed endpapers, head and tail bands and a ribbon marker. The dust jacket features a die cutting of a lotus flower, while printed on the cover board is a striking work by British contemporary artist Andy Harper.



Hermann Hesse
Peter Owen Publishers
216 x 132 x 23 mm
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