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Victor Lundy: Artist Architect

Victor Lundy: Artist Architect

  • If you're looking for something new under the midcentury sun, Victor Lundy (born 1923) is a real find, an important yet underappreciated figure in the history of American architecture.
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If you're looking for something new under the midcentury sun, Victor Lundy (born 1923) is a real find, an important yet underappreciated figure in the history of American architecture. Trained in both the Beaux Arts and Bauhaus traditions, he built an impressive practice ranging from small-scale residential and commercial buildings to expressive religious buildings and two preeminent institutional works: the US Tax Court Building in Washington, DC (now on the National Register of Historic Places), and the US Embassy in Sri Lanka. This first book on Lundy's life and career documents his early work in the Sarasota School of Architecture, his churches, and his government buildings.

In addition to essays on his use of light and material, many of the architect's original drawings, paintings, and sketches-including those from his travels throughout Europe, the Middle East, India, and Mexico, now held at the Library of Congress- are reproduced here for the first time.



Donna Kacmar
Princeton Architectural Press
276 x 223 x 23 mm
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