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The French Revolution

The French Revolution

  • Michel Roux Jr's delicious collection of French recipes for the modern home cook.
139,00 zł
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Michel Roux Jr's delicious collection of French recipes for the modern home cook. Michel Roux Jr is one of the best-known and most loved French chefs in Britain. He runs the renowned two-Michelin star restaurant Le Gavroche in London, as well as a number of other restaurants, and has presented many popular food programmes on TV.

In The French Revolution, Michel revisits the classic dishes from his traditional French upbringing, but takes a modern approach that adapts his favourite recipes to suit home cooks today who are looking for light, healthy and easy-to-make options. Gone are the very rich creamy sauces, heavy meat dishes and complicated cooking techniques, as Michel replaces these with recipes that delight the palate without threatening the waistline. For instance, a delicate pea tart with filo-like brik pastry, a new hollandaise sauce containig hardly any butter and lots of clever low-calorie dressings.

Michel also features recipes that can be made in one pot for speed and convenience, such as the delicious Poulet Basquaise - a fragrant, simple stew of chicken, peppers and spices. Other dishes can be put together from store cupboard ingredients for a quick mid-week supper - such as Chickpea and harissa soup, to be served alongside one of his many simple salads, tempting vegetable dishes or speedy desserts. These are not restaurant dishes - this is the food that Michel and his family cook and eat at home.

In his beautiful new book, Michel brings the great cuisine of his native land into the 21st century - truly a French food revolution!



Jr. Michel Roux
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