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The Family of Hummingbirds The Complete Prints of John Gould

The Family of Hummingbirds The Complete Prints of John Gould

  • For all the bird lovers, the definitive collection of hummingbird illustrations by 19th-century naturalist painter John Gould, the British Audubon.
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The sublime collection of 418 superbly detailed paintings of hummingbirds by the great artist John Gould, the 19th-century naturalist painter often referred to as the British Audubon, represents all the known species on the planet at the time and is the most complete ever produced. Like Audubon, Gould depicted the birds as they are in life, in their native habitats, which was still a revolutionary approach at the time. Yet Unlike Audubon, Gould travelled widely across the globe and the exquisite hummingbirds he painted so beautifully represent all the known species at the time and haled from the most remote and exotic ecosystems on the planet.

In their essay for the book, co-writers Joel and Laura Oppenheimer tell the story of Gould s colourful life and place his work in the context of the times, when exploration of science and the world s natural wonders was at an all-time high. The Family of Hummingbirds will delight birdwatching hobbyists, fans of naturalist historical prints, and especially lovers of the avian Tinker Bell.

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